Job Stories

Job Stories

WaterGuard Installation Keeps New Portland, ME Basement Dry
A couple living in New Portland, ME was having some problems with their concrete foundation. During rainfall, water would leak into the basement, with the foundation doing little to keep the water out. Tired of these wet basement conditions, the homeowners searched online for a solution. They soon found TC Hafford Basement Systems and contacted us to get their free estimate. Shorlty after they hired us to take care of their wet basement! As soon as our installation crew arrived they were able to begin work on the foundation to keep out any future leaks. To begin, a shallow trench was excavated into the perimeter of the concrete floor. WaterGuard piping was then used to line this trench, surrounding the basement. Fresh concrete was used to seal the WaterGuard within the floor where it will capture any leaking moisture that might have otherwise made it into the basement. The water trapped inside the WaterGuard is guided within the floor to the sump where a SuperSump pump was installed. The SuperSump then takes the collected water and forces it up and out of the home through a PVC discahrge line. Now that their basement has been properly waterproofed, these homeowners can make use of the space. The WaterGuard & SuperSump will ensure this basement stays dry for years into the future!
Basement In New Harbor, ME Protected From The Elements With WaterGuard
A homeowner in New Harbor would frequently have their basement flood whenever it would rain. This was causing problems, such a water damage and a musty smell. Requiring assistance in resolving this issue, the homeowner searched for a solution. After finding an ad for TC Hafford Basement Systems in their newspaper, the homeowner contacted us. We gave them a free estimate, and started work on their basement once the decided on what they wanted done! To start work on the basement, we excavated the interior perimeter of the basement. This opened up a trench for us to lay down a WaterGuard piping system. The WaterGuard is then covered over with loose rocks and cement. This seals it within the floor, without hurting its functionality. This pipe system captures water as it enters the basement through the walls and the floor, guiding it to the sump. In the sump, we installed a TripleSafe sump pump. This device has three separate pumps, one primary pump, one backup pump in case the primary fails, and a third, battery operated pump in case of a power outage. Following the sump discharge line to the exterior of the home, we attached an IceGuard onto the line. This is a special piece of pipe that allows for water to continue to be pumped out of the basement even if the lower end of the pipe becomes blocked by ice or other debris. Finally, we installed a SaniDry XP dehumidifier. This will guarantee a dry atmosphere within the basement, should any moisture find its way inside. Now this homeowner is worry free, even during the heaviest of rains.
FlexiSpan Seal Protects New Harbor, ME Basement from Flooding
A homeowner living in New Harbor, ME had recently began having water build up in the basement below their home. The water had been entering through a crack in one of their basement walls. Unsure how to keep the water out, this homeowner needed a solution to their problem before it got worse. When they saw an ad for TC Hafford on their TV, they called right away to receive their free estimate. Once they heard their options, the homeowner hired us to get the job done as soon as possible. When our crew arrived at the home to begin the waterproofing, they got started by brushing the crack clear of any debris. To keep water from entering through the crack in the future, a FlexiSpan seal needed to be placed over the crack. A primary layer of sealant was applied within the crack, completely covering it. Next, a foam mat was placed along the crack, to give the finished structure the flexibility the name suggests. A second layer of sealant was then used to cover the foam, completing the FlexiSpan seal once dried in place. Finally, a SaniDry CX dehumidifier was installed on the basement floor. This device will pull the moisture from the air within this basement, keeping the air dry and healthy. Now that this homeowner has some proper waterproofing below their home, their basement can now be used without the fear that water might cause problems. The FlexiSpan seal will keep out future leaks for many years to come!
Damp New Harbor, ME Crawlspace Encapsulated with CleanSpace
Living in New Harbor, ME, this property owner recently noticed their crawlspace had developed quite a moisture problem. Having done business with us before, they knew just who to call to solve this problem. After contacting our office staff, we scheduled a time for them to receive a free estimate from one of our sales representatives. Once their meeting concluded, the property owner was ready to move forward with the solution right away! As soon as our crew was able to make it to the home, they began work on lining this crawlspace with a proper vapor barrier right away. This began with a Drainage Matting being laid across the floor of the crawlspace, resting on built in supports and sitting just off the surface of the floor. This mat creates channels between itself and the floor that any blocked water will follow before draining back down into the ground. Next, to complete the vapor barrier, a CleanSpace liner was used to cover all of the walls as well as the floor of the crawlspace. This liner will lock out any leaking moisture, forcing it down through the Drainage Mat to exit the space through the ground. To eliminate the existing moisture problem below the home, a SaniDry CX dehumidifier was then installed on the floor of the crawlspace alongside a Condensate Pump. The SaniDry will now act to pull in the surrounding damp air, separating any moisture from what it collects. While the dried air is circulated back into the crawlspace, the water travels through piping to the pump. Here, the water is forced out of the home through a discharge line, where it will be deposited onto the ground a small distance from the home. This process will continue until the crawlspace air is back to being dry and healthy. These measures will now maintain a dry crawlspace for this property owner, meaning no more musty smells! The CleanSpace & SaniDry combo will maintain this dry crawlspace atmosphere for many years into the future!
WaterGuard Stops Newcastle, ME Basement From Leaking
A homeowner in Newcastle had a basement that had been leaking more and more over the years. After 15 years of owning the home, the basement was allowing enough water in through the foundation that the basement would flood during heavy rain. Seeking a way to stop this, the homeowner contacted TC Hafford Basement Systems. We inspected the basement and then we got to work! The interior perimeter of the floor was first excavated to allow us to lay down our WaterGuard pipe system beneath the floor. This was then covered with loose rocks and cement to conceal it without hurting function. The WaterGuard captures water as it enters the basement, guiding it to the sump to be evacuated. Next, we installed a SuperSump sump pump in the basement floor. This pump will move all of the water up and out of the basement through a PVC discharge line. In order to keep the pump operating in any weather, we attached an UltraSump backup battery to the SuperSump. Finally, on the exterior of the home, we added an IceGuard pipe piece to the discharge line. This will maintain a constant flow of water even if the lower end of the line becomes blocked. With these new additions to their basement, this homeowner will no longer have any leaks during heavy rains, or during any kind of weather!
Proper Vapor Barrier Installation Maintains Dry Newcastle, ME Crawlspace
This Newcastle, ME homeowner was in need of some crawlspace waterproofing. Lately, water had been leaking into their crawlspace and causing the air to become very damp. This moisture build-up would soon lead to a mold problem if it wasn't dealt with properly. After a quick search online for an answer to their problem, the homeowner found us at TC Hafford Basement Systems. They soon called us to receive their free estimate and we got to work! When our installation crew arrived at the home, they began work on giving the crawlspace a vapor barrier to keep out moisture. This began with a Drainage Matting being laid across the floor of the crawlspace. This porous mat sits just off the surface of the floor, allowing water blocked by the vapor barrier to flow and find a place to drain back into the ground below. Next, a CleanSpace liner was used to encapsulate the interior surfaces of the crawlspace. This liner completely locks out moisture, collecting any leakages and directing them below the Drainage Matting to flow out of the crawlspace. Now that this homeowner has a vapor barrier in place, their crawlspace should stay mold free for the forseeable future. The CleanSpace encapsulation will make sure of that!
TripleSafe Installation Helps Eliminate Flooding in Newcastle, ME Basement
While normally having a dry basement, this Newcastle, ME homeowner had recently noticed water gathered on their basement floor. Looking to find the source of the problem and have it resolved, the homeowner searched online for a solution. When they discovered our TC Hafford Basement Systems website, they decided they would call us to see if we could help. Our office staff set them up with a free estimate and our sales representative soon sat down with the homeowner to go over their options. They agreed to what work they wanted done and we got started! When our installation crew arrived at the home, their goal was to prevent water from leaking in through this concrete foundation in the future. This began with a shallow trench being excavated into the perimeter of the concrete floor. Within this new trench, WaterGuard piping was laid and buried beneath a fresh coat of concrete. The WaterGuard pipes each have small slits running along their bottom edges. Now when moisture in traveling through the floor towards the basement interior, the WaterGuard piping will capture this moisture and guide it to the sump without the water ever reaching the surface of the floor. Next, a TripleSafe sump system was installed in the floor. The TripleSafe unit houses three individual pumps inside. Now water collected by the WaterGuard feeds directly into the TripleSafe, where it will be pumped up and out of the home through a PVC discharge line. Each pump within the new sump will activate at different times to better control the removal process. While the primary pump is almost always responsible for removing the bulk of the water, the secondary pump will activate if the primary either fails or requires assistance. Finally, the third pump is a battery-operated backup pump that will activate when the home loses power to keep the space dry even in harsh rainfall. Outside the home, the discharge line carries the water a safe distance from the home before releasing it onto the ground through a LawnScape pipe segment attached to the end of the line. The LawnScape piece has a grate covering the exit that the water can easily flow through while any outside debris will be kept from entering the line. Closer to the home, just beyond where the discharge line leaves the basement, an IceGuard pipe segment was attached. The IceGuard will protect the basement from water becoming clogged within the line and flooding back into the home. Upward facing holes built into the sides of the IceGuard allow only trapped water to escape the line, while otherwise continuing to let water flow normally from the home. With their newly waterproofed basement, this homeowner will never again come home to find a puddle across their basement floor. The WaterGuard & TripleSafe combination will maintain this dry basement floor for years to come!
A Complete Overhaul of This Newcastle, Maine Home
This Newcastle, ME, crawl space was humid, moldy, and filled with mildew. Needing to address the issues and fix the sagging and bouncy floors, the homeowner decided to book a free estimate with TC Hafford Basement Systems to fix the issues. System Design Specialist Jordan Tarbox met with the homeowner and worked with them to design an encapsulation and stabilizing system that would completely overhaul their crawl space and turn the space from a nightmare into the perfect place for storage.       First, the floors above needed to be stabilized to prevent walls from cracking and damaging the home. SmartJacks are made of galvanized steel and are capable of supporting the weight needed and have the ability to be adjusted over time if needed. Once the bouncy floor was addressed, encapsulating the crawl space and creating an inorganic barrier between the space and the outside elements was next. CleanSpace with Drainage Matting was laid down and attached to the walls with SprayFoam to ensure a tight seal. Drainage Matting is a durable matting with large dimples to create a channel for water to be directed to the low spot and helps to keep the CleanSpace elevated and clean. CleanSpace is a durable inorganic vapor barrier that protects crawl spaces from moisture and prevents critters from making their way into the area and causing damage. To help capture and channel water, Perforated Pipe was installed and connected to a TripleSafe Sump Pump. The TripleSafe is capable of handling the water during heavy rains that would otherwise cause issues and pumps it out of the home through a Buried Discharge Line. The Discharge line takes the water far from the home, and with IceGuard installed, the system is protected from ice buildup during the cold winter months. Now that the home is protected from the outside elements, fully encapsulated, and the floor is stabilized, the homeowner can live in their home, knowing that their family will be safe and healthier.
FlexiSpan Seals Crack In Chamberlain, ME Basement Wall
Eric from Chamberlain was having trouble with a certain crack in his basement wall. It spanned from ceiling to floor, and was allowing water to enter in through it. Seeking to have this crack sealed, the homeowner asked around for potential solutions. He soon heard about TC Hafford Basement Systems and called us right away! We set him up with a free estimate, and then we got to work sealing the crack. To hold out any moisture, while still staying in place, we needed to apply FlexiSpan to the crack. To begin, we filled the crack with a primary layer of sealant. This would act as the first line of defense against moisture, but wouldn’t quite be enough on its own. We then laid a foam matting over the top of the sealant, to act as a backbone for the structure, giving it its flexibility, while also holding it all together. Finally, we applied another layer of sealant over the foam matting. This finished the FlexiSpan. These layers working together will not only shift and contort to stay in place on top of the crack, but they will hold back any moisture that would have otherwise found its way through the crack. Now Eric will no longer be caused any trouble by this large crack in his wall.
Oakland, ME, Homeowner Waterproofs Finished Basement
A finished basement in Oakland was having water seep in through the corners. This was worrying the homeowner, and shortly after hearing about TC Hafford through a friend, they decided to give us a call. After receiving a free estimate, the homeowner decided to move forward and get their basement waterproofed. We started this job by digging up the perimeter of the basement. This opened up a space to put in our WaterGuard system, which catches the water before it reaches the interior of the basement. After getting the WaterGuard pipes in place, concrete is then poured over them to seal them in place. These pipes lead to a newly installed SuperSump sump pump, which then pumps any water out of the basement. Finally we attached an IceGuard on the outside of the house. This allows water to flow from the house even if the lower end of the discharge pipe is blocked by debris or ice. Now this homeowner never needs to worry about their basement getting wet in the future.
Total Job Stories: 637

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TC Hafford Basement Systems
12 Homestead Dr
Wells, ME 04090
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