Collapsing Canton, ME Basement Reinforced With PowerBrace
A homeowner from Canton, ME was in a very precarious situation. One of their basement walls was bending inward, seemingly about to collapse. Worried for the worst, the homeowner sought ways to have this problem ratified. To have the wall fixed the right way, this homeowner called TC Hafford Basement Systems.
Once our crew arrived, they began work right away to get the wall put back into place. Getting this done wasn’t as simple as just pushing the wall in forcefully. To correct the bend, our crew installed 8’ PowerBrace beams along the wall. These beams are secured tightly to the floor at the base of the wall, while the top side is offset from the wall. Long screws are used to attach the beam to the joists in the ceiling. These are then tightened slowly over time to push the wall back into place and hold it there. This will return the wall to its original position without causing the cave in from applying too much force too quickly.
Because the walls had suffered structural damage over time, their integrity wasn’t what it used to be. This made the walls more brittle, as well as more easily penetrated by moisture from the outside. To prevent any water leaks, and to help increase the structural integrity of the walls, we applied ShotLock to them. ShotLock is a material, which once applied to old concrete, will help solidify it, as well as sealing up any tiny cracks or holes formed into the concrete. Now no moisture will enter this basement directly through these walls.
With the PowerBraces in place, the would-be collapsed wall is now no longer a worry for this homeowner. This basement will also remain perfectly dry thanks to the ShotLock!
Project Summary
Products: PowerBrace 8', ShotLock
Sales Rep.: Rod Hughes
Foreman: Colby Owen