Bar Harbor, ME Basement Kept Dry with Sump Upgrade
A homeowner living in Bar Harbor, ME was having problem with the sump in their basement. The amount of water leaking into their basement would often overwhelm the sump, causing some flooding in the space. This caused the homeowner to need to get involved, sweeping water toward the sump after accumulating across the basement floor. Tired of these conditions, the homeowner sought a long-lasting solution. They soon found us at TC Hafford Basement Systems and called us right away to get the job done!
Once our installation crew arrived at the home, they began work on the basement sump upgrade right away. First, a SuperSump sump pump was installed in the basement floor. This device will take in the water gathering on the floor, pumping it up and out of the home through a PVC discharge line. The SuperSump can remove up to 2,650 gallons of water from the home every hour. To keep this sump operational in any weather, an UltraSump backup battery was attached. This will enable the sump to keep pumping for up to 11,000 gallons worth of water-removal; even after the home loses power. The water carried out of the home through the PVC discharge line is deposited a safe distance from the home where it will cause no future problems.
With their new sump system in place, this homeowner should no longer need to intervene with the water-removal beneath their home. The SuperSump & UltraSump combination will ensure this basement stays dry for years to come!
Project Summary
Products: SuperSump, UltraSump
Sales Rep.: Ben Hafford
Foreman: Adam Hafford