Sump Pump Upgrade in Jackman, ME Basement
A homeowner living in Jackman, ME had recently ran into trouble with their basement. After a heavy rainfall, this homeowner noticed their sump had not removed all of the water and the basement had flooded. Needing to somehow improve their sump, the homeowner called TC Hafford Basement Systems to have their basement better waterproofed.
Once our installation crew arrived at the home, they began work right away upgrading this sump with better equipment. The first installment was a SuperSump sump pump placed within the sump. This device will take in the water needing to be removed from the basement and force it out of the home through a PVC discharge line. The SuperSump can remove up to 2,650 gallons of water every hour. This pump, however, would fail if the home were to lose power. To protect from this, an UltraSump backup battery was attached to the SuperSump. The UltraSump has enough of a charge to allow the SuperSump to operate for 11,000 gallons worth of water removal.
Outside the home, we made two additions to the discharge line before we were finished. The first of these was an IceGuard pipe segment attached just where the line left the home. This pipe piece has special holes built in which allow for only trapped water to escape. This protects the sump from an overflow if ice or other debris blocks the line. Finally, on the end of the line, a LawnScape discharge port was attached. This is where the water exits the PVC onto the ground a safe distance from the home. Here, the water will drain away into the ground harmlessly.
With their newly upgraded sump, this homeowner will no longer experience the flooding that afflicted their basement previously. The SuperSump & UltraSump combination will keep this home safe for many years into the future.
Project Summary
Products: SuperSump, UltraSump, IceGuard, LawnScape
Foreman: George Cormier