WaterGuard Keeps Otisfield, ME Basement Dry
A homeowner in Otisfield, ME had been struggling with keeping their basement floor dry. This dampness was concerning the homeowner, and they needed something done about it. To have the space dried, they contacted TC Hafford Basement Systems.
Once our crew arrived, they identified the source of the problem as being the foundation itself. To remedy this leakage through the foundation, we began by digging a trench around the inside perimeter of the basement floor. This allowed us to inlay our WaterGuard piping system beneath the surface of the floor. These pipes, covered over with a fresh layer of cement, work within the floor. They capture moisture as it travels through, preventing it from ever reaching the surface again. This trapped water is then guided to the sump for removal.
Taking on the water-removal, we installed a SuperSump sump pump. This pump takes the water from the WaterGuard and forces it up and out of the home through a PVC discharge line. The SuperSump can move over 2,650 gallons of water per hour. As this water exits through the discharge line, it passes through two key pieces. The first is an IceGuard pipe piece, which has special holes built into it. These holes will only let water out if the lower end of the line becomes blocked by ice or other debris. This prevents an overflow in the sump. Finally, the water exits onto the ground through the LawnScape discharge point.
With their new basement system in place, this homeowner will never need to suffer from a wet basement floor again! The WaterGuard is sure to keep the surface dry for many years to come!
Project Summary
Products: WaterGuard, SuperSump, IceGuard, LawnScape
Sales Rep.: David Zawistowski