Belfast, ME - WaterGuard & SuperSump Installation
Living with a wet basement was the norm for a couple in Belfast. They soon got tired of this living situation, and had something about it!
We began this waterproofing project by installing 106 feet of WaterGuard piping around the inside perimeter of the basement floor. This piping is specially designed to capture water as it leaks through the foundation itself. This system is then buried under more cement to conceal it without hurting functionality. The captured water is then guided to the sump in the basement for evacuation. We then installed a SaniDry XP dehumidifier within the basement to take the moisture out of the air. This collected moisture is also given to the sump.
To remove the water from the basement, we installed a SuperSump sump pump. This will take the water from both the SaniDry and the WaterGuard and force it up and out of the basement through a PVC discharge line. On the exterior of the home, we attached an IceGuard to the discharge line. This is a special pipe fitted with holes. These holes allow the water to escape in the event of blockage.
Now this couple can live without any water gathering in their basement. A dry basement is their new norm!
Project Summary
Products: WaterGuard, IceGuard, SuperSump, SaniDry XP